Work day results 2017
Whew! Our annual trail work day accomplished a lot. Over the first weekend in October (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) twelve volunteers each donated several hours of their time. With the goal of having safe clear passages for skiing, they...
- Chainsawed about 25 trees for removal (a localized storm on September 22 produced fairly widespread damage to our trail system)
- Removed fallen trees, limbs, and branches; and bothersome rocks
- Brushed the trail margins to maintain wide passages for skiing
- Shoveled to create a smooth ramp approach for the bridge at #31
- Filled a section of eroded areas with ten straw bales that were separated, compacted and retwined
- Shoveled to fill eroded segments adjacent to straw bales
- Felled trees to serve as "corduroy" at a deep eroded trench
- Moved lumber in anticipation of bridge repair
- Placed reinforcement cable at our bridge that is undergoing repair
- Broomed off the roof of the warming house
We're very pleased to have that above list out of the way. Many thanks to the helpers this past weekend: Dan Bale, Mike Cragg, Ron Jasperson, Shane Klein, Peter Neal, Jan Paulsen, Tom Paulsen, Steve P, Jerry Schneider, Jason Sirek, John Waldron, and Jerry Wilkes. And a huge thank you to all of you that have helped with the many tasks this past summer (mowing, tree removal, equipment repair, equipment storage, eradicating carpenter ants, fixing the doors of the warming house, etc). If we tried to list all your names, we'd miss some. Please know that your volunteer efforts are greatly appreciated!

Image information: If you want to save any images from this blog post for yourself, simply right click the full size image to obtain the original. Higher quality images are available by contacting our website. To avoid copyright infringement, reprints must credit the Blue Hills Trail Association, Inc.
Work day results 2017
Whew! Our annual trail work day accomplished a lot. Over the first weekend in October (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) twelve volunteers each donated several hours of their time. With the goal of having safe clear passages for skiing, they...
- Chainsawed about 25 trees for removal (a localized storm on September 22 produced fairly widespread damage to our trail system)
- Removed fallen trees, limbs, and branches; and bothersome rocks
- Brushed the trail margins to maintain wide passages for skiing
- Shoveled to create a smooth ramp approach for the bridge at #31
- Filled a section of eroded areas with ten straw bales that were separated, compacted and retwined
- Shoveled to fill eroded segments adjacent to straw bales
- Felled trees to serve as "corduroy" at a deep eroded trench
- Moved lumber in anticipation of bridge repair
- Placed reinforcement cable at our bridge that is undergoing repair
- Broomed off the roof of the warming house
We're very pleased to have that above list out of the way. Many thanks to the helpers this past weekend: Dan Bale, Mike Cragg, Ron Jasperson, Shane Klein, Peter Neal, Jan Paulsen, Tom Paulsen, Steve P, Jerry Schneider, Jason Sirek, John Waldron, and Jerry Wilkes. And a huge thank you to all of you that have helped with the many tasks this past summer (mowing, tree removal, equipment repair, equipment storage, eradicating carpenter ants, fixing the doors of the warming house, etc). If we tried to list all your names, we'd miss some. Please know that your volunteer efforts are greatly appreciated!

How to view images: To see larger versions of the thumbnail photos above, click on the thumbnail. If you want to save the image for yourself, simply right click the full size image to obtain the original. Higher quality images are available by contacting our website. To avoid copyright infringement, reprints must credit the Blue Hills Trail Association, Inc.
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