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Meeting Minutes

Rusk County Trail Association

April 11, 2002 8:03 PM

April 11, 2002


Meeting called to order

by Jan Paulsen, president, at 7:03 p.m. at the Bruce Dairyland Bank




Officers: Lori Mikunda, Dave Olsen, Jan Paulsen.

Members: Dick Brockbank, Steve Brockman, Chris Buslee, Carolyn Chatterton, Howard Chatterton, Dawn Christman, Darsha Helgerson, Frank Lowry, Tom Mikunda, Mike Mirr, Pete Olson, Tom Paulsen, Doug Spielman, Kevin Westlund, Deb Ziemer, and John Ziemer.

Non-members: none.



New Business


New Business:


Olsen presented a statement outlining the positive reasons for splitting the organization into two groups; being, (1) the Blue Hills trail system and (2) the Ladysmith Trail system consisting of the High School lighted loop and the Sisters Farm.


Olsen proposed a motion to have the RCTA membership vote by mail ballot on the following question: "Should the RCTA split into two separate and distinct organizations, the Blue Hills Trail and the Ladysmith Trails, each with its own officers.  A yes vote also means that the Blue Hills Trail group will retain the rights to the name RCTA, the fall fund raising banquet, and the Blue Hills Ascent."


Motion by Mirr to approve motion as presented.  Second by Tom Paulsen.  Lengthy discussion held.  Buslee called the question.  (14) votes Yes; (5) Votes No.  Opposed: Pete Olson, Deb Ziemer, John Ziemer, Doug Speilman, Dick Brockbank.  Motion carried.


Discussion of the voting process was then held.


Meeting Adjourned


Motion to adjourn by Olsen, second by Buslee.  Unanimously carried.




Taken by Lori Larsen Mikunda, Secretary-Treasurer.