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Meeting Minutes

Blue Hills Trail Association Inc.

December 18, 2010 5:10 PM

Meeting called to order

by Dave Olsen, vice president, at 4:10 p.m. at the warming house at the Blue Hills Trail




Officers: Dave Olsen, Tom Paulsen, Dick Pebler

Members: Dan Bale, Jonathan Stanley, Jerry Wilkes

Non-members: Dan Bartels, Steve Brockman




Repair or replace 2007 snowmobile


New Business


Our 2007 model Skidoo Skandic SWT snowmobile stopped running while grooming during the snowstorm of Saturday, December 11.  Dan Bartels was operating the machine when the transmission malfunctioned, leaving the snowmobile stranded on the trail near #21.  After multiple efforts, Dan was able to tow it to the parking lot on Wednesday, December 15.  Inspection of the transmission the following day showed several gears to be partially or completely stripped.  It will need a new transmission.


Many phone calls later, various options were developed and presented to those in attendance.  Options included: repair at a cost of $2900 and continue using the current snowmobile; repair and sell now hoping to receive market price of $5000-$5200; sell as is (we have 2 interested parties, no firm bids); trade on a new Skandic SWT listed at $11,000; instead of purchasing a new snowmobile, consider the alternative of purchasing a tracked side-by-side UTV (John Deere 825i available from a Mason, WI dealer for $16,300) for multi-season use on the trails.


Discussion seemed very thorough.  Our current financial status was reviewed.  We then voted unanimously to purchase a new Skandic SWT 800 from Hayward Power Sports at their price of $10,000, accepting their offer of $2500 trade-in allowance for our 2007 Skandic (with disabled transmission).  Tom Paulsen will contact Hayward Power Sports on Monday, December 20 to confirm the deal.  Dan Bartels will transport the snowmobiles, arrange for wiring of the new snowmobile to operate the 12V motors on our grooming implements, and transfer the flexi skis from the old snowmobile to the new snowmobile.

Meeting Adjourned


Motion to adjourn by Dan Bale, second by Jonathan Stanley.  Adjourned at 4:50 p.m.




Taken by Tom Paulsen, Secretary