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Meeting Minutes

Blue Hills Trail Association, Inc.

May 28, 2024 6:00 PM

NOTE TO READER: These minutes attempt to do two things: 1) standard text shows what happened at the meeting; and 2) text in italics is meant to provide historical background for readers looking for more detail.

Meeting called to order

by John Waldron, president, at 6:04 p.m. at the warming house of the Blue Hills Trail



Officers: Tom Paulsen, Geary Searfoss, John Waldron

Members: Jan Paulsen, Kay Searfoss, Kevin Westlund




Motion by Tom Paulsen, second by Geary Searfoss, to dispense with reading of the prior minutes of May 2023 and to accept the May 2023 minutes without changes. Unanimously carried.


Treasurer's Report

The fiscal year runs September 1 to August 31 inclusive. An interim budget report was presented by Tom Paulsen. Revenue ($31039.99) exceeded expenses ($11026.70) by $20013.29.

Overall expenses were above budget. Of note:

  • Summer 2023 we spent $1830 hiring work crews from the Flambeau Correctional Center to assist with clearing of extensive damage from the December 2022 ice storm.

Overall revenue was above budget. Of note:

  • Trailhead donations were at a record low due to the ‘worst ever’ winter of 2023-24.

Our bottom line shows a positive balance on April 1 (available cash) of $58994.09. Budget for 2024-25 was presented. Discussion was held. Motion was made by Jan Paulsen to approve the Treasurer's report as presented, and seconded by Geary Searfoss. Unanimously carried.



  1. Election of officers
  2. Old Business
  3. Membership Fees
  4. New Business
  5. Designate committee members for the upcoming year


Election of Officers

John Waldron has completed 1 year as president, and was vice president for several years prior to that. Geary Searfoss has completed 1 year as vice president, and is willing to serve as vice president this next year. Tom Paulsen agrees to serve another one-year term as secretary/treasurer. Jan Paulsen nominated John Waldron for president, Geary Searfoss for vice president, and Tom Paulsen for secretary/treasurer, seconded by Kevin Westlund, and passed unanimously.


Old Business 

Fall banquet: with the Coronavirus pandemic having diminished, the annual fall fundraising banquet was held November 5th at Lehman’s Supper Club in Rice Lake. This was combined with an online auction during the week leading up to the banquet. Online auction items (60) were distributed the afternoon of the banquet just before the doors opened. A select number of auction items (21) were available for banquet attendees. This combination worked well, it allowed more bidders to participate, and avoided the hassle of distributing a large number of items at the conclusion of the banquet when attendees are ready to depart.


Fundraising: fundraising was again very successful this past year. Donations from businesses ($6792) and individuals ($6830) were above budget. Trailhead donations ($780) were dramatically decreased – undoubtedly due to the ‘worst ever’ winter of 2023-24. Membership revenue ($8397) decreased. Sales of raffle tickets ($1360) were good. The revenue from the silent auction items ($3400) was good. Interest income increased significantly to $1501 (current interest rates are good).


Winter Fun Day: due to the ‘worst ever’ winter, there were no attempted group gatherings.



  • April 2023 annual service of the Honda Pioneer UTV was performed at Airtec Sports in Rice Lake. The heater bleeder valve was replaced in hopes of solving the coolant leak. An oil leak was identified after returning the Honda to the trailhead – this was corrected by Ron Jasperson and Tom Paulsen repeating the oil change and replacing the oil ring on the DCT cover.
  • June 2023 the Honda Pioneer developed multiple problems while mowing. The repairs were performed (under extended warranty) in July at Airtec Sports in Rice Lake and included: Replaced the front vehicle speed sensor (this may have triggered two of the trouble codes); replaced the shift control motor assembly (this may have contributed to the problem where it wouldn’t shift gears all the time); replaced the fan relay; replaced the oil pressure relief valve (if faulty it would be triggering the oil pressure warning light); checked all the grounds; adjusted the accelerator pedal free play as requested.
  • With the transmission issues raising our concerns, we are extra vigilant to always operate the Honda Pioneer in low range.
  • October 2023 – due to rubber lugs breaking off the track – we replaced the right rear track with the new track we purchased in March from Mattracks. This was done at Airtec Sports in Rice Lake.
  • A small coolant leak was identified during the limited grooming performed winter 2023-24. It’s likely this is coming from either the hose connections under the seat, or the bleeder valve in the heater box. Operators need to keep a close eye on the coolant level in the overflow reservoir.
  • The Bearcat snowmobile wasn’t operated during the winter of 2023-24. Preventive maintenance is overdue: it needs a transmission flush, and an oil change.
  • In 2022-23 our new Yellowstone roller performed well. The old Yellowstone roller continues to work well. However, sometimes the older roller tends to gum up with sticky snow. Perhaps it’s related to the height of the hitch on the snowmobile. In the future, we might try modifying the height of the hitch setup on the snowmobile.
  • The G2s and the ABR trail compactor weren’t used at all this past winter.
  • In years past, Sam Behrends used our small Tidd Tech G2 (G2-4) and track setter for grooming a trail for the Bruce High School team. Various parts were replaced 2017. That implement was moved to John Waldron’s property in 2023. If we run into a situation where we need a backup, the G2-4 can be returned to our trailhead.
  • Last summer, we again used our portable pressure washer (low pressure) and cleaned the tracks when needed. We are using a 50-gallon drum (blue plastic) to store water outside the storage shed. Members of the mowing crew bring 10+ gallons of water for each mowing operation – the extra water is added to the tank. Bleach is added to the tank to suppress algae etc. Batteries for the pressure washer are either recharged in the shed, or by Tom charging them at home.


Trail maintenance:

  • Many work sessions and many hours were spent spring/summer 2023 removing tree damage from the December 2022 ice storm. This included many hours from our volunteers, and many hours of hired help (7 full days costing $1830) from the Flambeau Correctional Center work crews.
  • On the East Side, the long-term plan was to develop the segment from 18-C4 within a large timber sale that was logged in late 2022. Trees were marked for removal from that planned route. That route is now available for dozing to create the new trail.
  • Because of erosion problems south of C3, we haven’t groomed C3-C2 the past several winters. The Eastside trail that runs from 17-C3-C4-C5-C6-C7-C1 (the Far East Trail) receives frequent skier traffic.
  • Erosion blankets were placed in two locations on the East Side summer 2019: just north of #4, and between #6-#7. Those blankets have helped control erosion. It’ll be interesting to further assess the results this summer.
  • On the East Side, there was no significant illicit motorized traffic this past year.
  • On the East Side, the small culvert several hundred meters north of Letter L was plugged and washed-out summer 2021 – and replaced that fall. The new culvert is working well.
  • On the West Side, the new trail from Y to Z was dozed by Bob Hauser (DNR forester) and developed in late summer 2022. This included one culvert on the new trail (paid for by BHTA), and two culverts on the Lollipop Loop (paid for by the Forestry Department). The Forestry department spread grass seed. Very nice results.
  • Logging of the southern half of Y to Z (a coppice clearcut) was performed late spring 2023. As a result, hillier portions of Y to Z are eroding and will need repair (dozing and grass seed) after that logging operation is completed summer 2024.
  • Usually the Forestry Department mows most of the Westside and limited parts of the Eastside where trails are dry enough to withstand the weight of their mowing eqjuipment; softer Eastside trails are mowed using the Pioneer and our trail mower.
  • In 2023, Rusk County Forestry Dept mowing took place late in the summer, and included most of the trails which they usually mow (parts of the East Side, and much of the West Side). The purchase of their anticipated new mower was denied in 2022, and the mowing was done by the Highway Department as requested by the Forestry Department.
  • The new 2021 engine on our trail mower is working well. Summer of 2022 we identified failing wheel bearings on the mower, and worn axles. We replaced the wheel bearings on all 8 wheels, we replaced the 4 axles for the wheels, and various spacers and cup washers for the wheels. The Pioneer with Mattracks easily floats over soft/damp/muddy areas without leaving much of an imprint. The mowing crew of BHTA volunteer members saves about $1500 in contracted labor costs.
  • Red Pine timber sale - the red pine stand north of the trailhead was logged autumn 2022. It was dozed (smoothed) after the logging was completed. The Forestry department spread grass seed on the involved trails late summer 2023.
  • Far east timber sale - a very large timber sale involving the Far East trails was logged late autumn 2022. The logs were hauled to market late 2023 using Rut Road. The involved trails may need additional repair dozing, and grass seed needs to be spread 2024. Dane Gravesen (Rusk County Forester) plans on handling this trail repair.
  • The workday in early October was attended by 10 hardy volunteers that withstood the record 80+ degree heat.
  • Beaver activity on the West Side has increased, particularly west of I. Since wetlands are of value, we have decided not to groom areas that are wet year round, and will tentatively plan to leave trails from D-F-G-H-I ungroomed, to provide more of a back-country experience.
  • In October 2017 Tom P and Steve P created a PVC ford on the small creek on the Westside southeast of Letter F. This PVC ford was removed (and disassembled) summer 2021. In its place, we can consider creating a log corduroy crossing each fall prior to the winter ski season – or simply wait for that area to freeze to allow skiers to cross.
  • Loggers moved in on an East Side timber sale in November 2023. Their work was located north and east of the east end of the ‘Gravel Road’ (John Creek Road) – including an important segment of the Core Loop. With the lack of snow, they continued logging until early January – then they cleared out so we could groom. They didn’t finish logging the entire sale and have one more year until their contract expires December 2024.


  • During the record warm and dry winter of 2023-24, there was only enough snow and cold temps to allow grooming twice in mid-January and once in mid-February. The grooming was limited to the use of the roller pulled by the Honda Pioneer. The Bearcat snowmobile never left its storage shed. That was a very disappointing winter for groomers and skiers alike.
  • Ron Beebe again was the head groomer, this was his fifth season as head groomer, and his sixth season overall. Before the winter began, he planned on receiving assistance primarily from Ed Gauthier and Ryan Vreeland. Ron is very willing to try different techniques, and performs far more evening grooming than in years past - this allows the grooming to set up by the time skiers arrive in the morning. The classic track was generally in good shape most of the previous winter of 2022-23. Thank you Ron!
  • After selling our 2014 Gator April 2021, this was our third winter using the Honda Pioneer 1000 with Mattracks as our workhorse machine. This setup has the power and traction to handle just about anything we expect to face during grooming season. Time will tell whether or not the Honda transmission is reliable, and whether the Mattracks with their new rubber track can withstand the workload.


Signage: Tom replaced the few trail signs that went missing. He also ordered and mounted a complete set of km markers for use along the ‘Core Loop’ – now those signs will be more easily visible from both directions.

Snowshoe trail: maintained by John Kann and Dan Bjugstad. Visitors clearly enjoy these snowshoe trails, the number of users is considerable. With the 2022 Red Pine logging operation near the warming house, both the ‘Nordic Pines’ and the ‘Rolling Oaks’ trails were wiped out. In January and February 2023, John created two new loops off the ‘Ridges’ snowshoe trail (the ‘Highlands Loop’ and the ‘Hillside Loop’) that were a great addition! John also demarcated the ‘Rope-A-Dope Loop’ as part of the ‘Ridges’ trail. Many thanks to John who further cleared and marked the snowshoe trail in early 2024!



  • Bob Wieckowicz (with Tom assisting) added two large vents to the blue shipping container April 2023. This significantly helped control the humidity levels, thus helping avoid condensation on equipment inside the container.
  • 2022 Tom added solar powered panels on the storage containers to provide continuous charging of the batteries on any implements in those buildings.
  • The Honda Pioneer is wider than the Gator. The operator needs to be very careful when entering/exiting the storage shed.


Warming house:

  • Northwest HVAC modified the warming house furnace pilot light in April 2018 to minimize the offensive gas odor. Tom now cleans the pilot 1-2 times per year – using compressed air and a small brush. This seems to keep the interior gas odor to a minimum.
  • Eric Ringstad evaluated the warming house interior/exterior for necessary repairs summer 2019. With his recommendations, during each fall work day we need to stuff sheep’s wool in multiple interior and exterior gaps. Perhaps because the gaps are fairly well sealed, there was no evidence of bat activity inside the warming house the past four winters. Extra sheep’s wool is on the shelf in the storage shed.
  • After pressure washing the exterior in August 2020, we noticed obvious signs of powderpost beetles on the exterior logs (powder dust trails below their ⅛" diameter holes). After some quick research, Tom obtained a special boric acid powder that was mixed with water, then sprayed on the exterior before Dave Roth applied the stain. Later during the fall 2020, the holes and dust trails were still noticeable. At that time, Tom injected the boric acid solution directly into the holes. The beetle holes were again noticeable autumn 2021, and Tom again injected the boric acid solution. We’ll monitor the beetles each year, but the potential beetle damage seems like a small issue not worth stressing over.
  • Since we don't need to insulate the warming house as tightly as a private residence, Lee Westlund (the warming house builder) has recommended we not bother caulking the entire exterior of the warming house. Instead, he recommends the use of sheep's wool (available on the internet from log house building suppliers) to plug any obvious gaps. The sheep's wool has good insulating properties, it wicks moisture, and it isn't itchy like its fiberglass alternative. We have a supply of sheep's wool (wool ropes to repair any insulation gaps) in a bin in the storage shed.
  • Tom keeps the mice under control using traps and/or bait located under the furnace.



  • Those in attendance agreed our website remains a highly useful portal in providing info for members and visitors. Tom regularly distributes email messages that update trail conditions, grooming plans, and pertinent happenings. This email message list has grown to 290 contacts. About 60-70% of the subscribers open those messages. We occasionally distribute messages using our Facebook and Instagram accounts. We have a Twitter account, but haven’t been using it. We appreciate our members providing trail condition updates to
  • In December 2020, we switched the host and software for our website – using Webflow. The new website was designed by Kristine Paulsen who continues providing expertise as needed. Thanks Kristine! Tom Paulsen continues handling the website, frequently updating trail conditions and other pertinent information.
  • Kirk Paulsen remains our consultant for our highly accurate georeferenced maps that are used in the field and on our website. Kirk updated the East Side map January 2024. Based on occasional trailhead conversations with visitors, more and more trail users are taking advantage of the Avenza Maps App on their phones – both our East Side and West Side maps are available free for visitors to follow themselves on their smartphones. Thanks Kirk!


Ski clinic: due to the lack of snow, there was no ski clinic this past December.


Membership Dues:


Current annual dues are $60 for individuals, $100 for families. Dues were increased by $10/$25 in October 2022, and the number of memberships decreased from 133 (in 2021-22) to 115 (in 2022-23) while we dealt with a devastating December ice storm and record setting snowfalls. Tom P (treasurer) recommends no change in our annual dues for 2024-2025. In consideration of the lack of skiing this past winter, Geary Searfoss moved to keep our annual dues as $60 for individuals, $100 for families, and to offer a 50% discount for 2023-24 members renewing for 2024-25. This was seconded by Tom Paulsen, passed unanimously.


Our trailhead daily recommended donation was increased five years ago from $5 to $10 (encouraging users to donate based on their level of enjoyment – suggesting a $10 daily donation per person as a minimum). Since we are a non-profit operating on County land, we cannot require a specific trailhead fee. And our longstanding philosophy encourages many diverse individuals to access the trail system and help fulfill our mission as a non-profit organization. Tom Paulsen moved to keep the daily donation as a requested $10, second by Jan Paulsen, passed unanimously.

New Business:


Recruitment of More Volunteer Help: In early April, we distributed a message (via email and Facebook) seeking more volunteer help to thereby grow our organization and enhance our future. Several individuals have volunteered for some very important positions. They will be gradually introduced to their roles over the course of the next many months. More help – especially for fundraising – will be sought later this summer.

Fall Banquet:

  • We plan an in-person banquet, possibly with an on-line auction leading up to that. We have reserved Saturday, November 2, 2024 at Lehman's Supper Club in Rice Lake for this year’s banquet. For the on-site gathering, we would again offer a select number of silent auction items, and one or two major raffles.
  • We need a volunteer to chair the banquet committee and serve as emcee. Tom will send out an email looking for a volunteer.
  • For this year's November banquet, Tom has received a commitment from Sam Thayer to speak regarding foraging. Sam lives in the Weyerhaeuser area, is widely published and respected in his field, and was recommended by Kevin Westlund.


  • We would like to see the kids’ Nordic Rocks ski instruction program further developed in Bruce. Using loaned equipment from Ladysmith, a one week trial the winter of 2018-19 was well accepted in the PE classes for the elementary grade students. The next step would be the purchase of 30 pairs of skis & poles at a cost of $1995. At our May 2019 annual meeting, we approved the donation of $1000 from BHTA if the Bruce community and Rusk County were able to match this amount. We discussed the Nordic Rocks program, we all agree it's a good idea for the Bruce School. The PE teacher is important to the success and needs to be very supportive. Kevin Westlund volunteered to speak with the Bruce principal (Brad Cody) to see if this program can move forward. Another possibility - perhaps Avery Newman (one of our members in Bruce) can look for partner funding and grant opportunities.
  • Tom Paulsen will again spearhead the fall fundraising – but would like to find someone to take over this role. John Waldron is the fundraising contact for Rice Lake. As in the past, fundraising appeals will focus on supportive individuals and businesses, and BHTA members.
  • Amanda Wieckowicz has volunteered to handle the August annual mailings to businesses and members. Thank you Amanda!


Winter Fun Day: Officers will try to coordinate 1-2 potluck ski events as a good way to socialize while attracting members/visitors - perhaps during a full moon if the weather cooperates and the COVID pandemic isn’t active. To enhance attendance, we’ll use a Saturday as the most likely day for the event. Members seem to prefer a potluck approach.



  • Purchased in 2012, our trail mower is in good shape and with its new 2021 engine and new wheel bearings should last another 10-20 years. Annual preventive maintenance on the mower is performed each spring before we start our summer mowing.
  • Our 2020 Honda Pioneer 1000 last underwent annual maintenance in April 2023, and subsequently was in the shop for major evaluation of problems that surfaced June 2023. Thanks to John Waldron for trailering the Honda back and forth!
  • The Arctic Cat Bearcat is overdue for a transmission flush and an oil change. Rob Beebe has been planning to do this since February and needs a gentle reminder – John Waldron will speak with Ron. 
  • The actuator motors on our G2 grooming implements need to be evaluated prior to this next winter. John Waldron will see if Ron Beebe can help with this.
  • Should we consider purchase of an older model Jeep Wrangler and the use of tracks from American Track Truck? At Geary Searfost’s suggestion, summer of 2023 Tom explored the tracks available from American Track Truck – their design seems worth considering. It’s a design from a company in Michigan’s UP that would be easy to work on as recommended by a couple trail systems in northern Michigan. Tom was impressed by the simplicity of the design when he visited Mt. Ashwabay ski area June 2023 and looked at the tracks.. Perhaps it's time to switch away from grooming with a tracked UTV to grooming with a small vehicle using American Track Truck tracks. Local drivers of older Jeeps have suggested looking for an older used Jeep in the southwest USA (Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona) that hasn’t been exposed to salt – and transporting it to our area. Tom will start searching for an older Jeep (model years 1997 or 2003) that may be available for purchase.


Trail maintenance:

  • Excelsior Road – since January 2024, there’s been steady pressure from hunters to allow trucks to use Excelsior Road during the winter. BHTA has been involved in multiple meetings with the Rusk County Committees that have authority to manage the use of Excelsior Road. As of May 2024, the plan is for our reps to meet with the Forestry Department May 29th to look at the possibility of creating a wider or parallel route along Excelsior Road for skiers – thereby allowing hunters to use the existing road surface while skiers use an area off to the side – thereby satisfying both user groups. Once we have projected costs available, we’ll send an email message that updates our skiers regarding the potential options.
  • Now that logging has been completed on the Far East trails, the East Side has a new trail laid out and ready for development. It will run from intersection #18 to intersection #C4. This was flagged by Tom P, Jerry Schneider, and the Forestry Department quite a few years ago. March of 2024 Tom and Bob Hauser reflagged the route. It will be most efficient to use Scott Gudis to remove stumps using his backhoe, and to use Bob Hauser (DNR forester and dozer operator) to do the dozing. Bob suggested placement of one 12" culvert (30-feet in length) just north of intersection C4. Hopefully the Forestry Department would help with grass seed, and locating the necessary culvert. The development of this trail can take place after oak wilt restrictions are lifted in mid-July.
  • Rusk County Forestry will seed the trails that were bulldozed bare as part of the Far East timber sale that was logged in 2022 and hauled to market in 2023.
  • Bridges: Steve Poethke (Rice Lake) is monitoring our bridges (see next dot point below). The first bridge (small) between 1-26 has settled and may need to be replaced with a new bridge with longer stringers - set further back from the edge of the small creek. The sagging bridge east of #25 needs periodic evaluation of its support. Summer 2018 we removed part of the decking from that bridge so large riprap could be added to fortify the west side of the creek. Tom P will remind the Forestry Department to evaluate this bridge as a potential site for replacement with a flatbed trailer (which would require DNR permits). The bridge at A4 is slumping on its northeast corner – this needs further evaluation this summer – perhaps major reworking of the north side of the bridge.
  • This past fall/winter, Steve Poethke used his engineering background to evaluate our bridges. His summary was that the snow load is more of a concern than the equipment load. He feels that our weakest bridges can handle a load of 4000#, and that our stronger bridges can handle a bigger load. Our Honda Pioneer probably weighs 2500# when loaded. Our big G2 weighs 440# before it accumulates snow.
  • The area below the Westside beaver dam north of Letter F remains a grooming/skiing challenge. Options include a major reroute north around the lake impounded by the dam (this area was scouted by Tom P and Jerry S the summer of 2017) vs building a 72-foot long ‘floating’ boardwalk below the beaver dam in the wet area where the Jump River Electric Cooperative (JREC) power line is running. JREC has agreed to flag the power line at that site if we make the request. The Forestry Department is willing to offer advice on locating/building a boardwalk. Tom’s estimate for the cost of a 12' wide boardwalk was $4200 (as of March 2021). In March 2021, Tom applied for a $1000 grant to help cover the cost – that was rejected. Note that JREC rejected our request to donate toward the cost of building this boardwalk. And note that recurrent beaver activity may flood the spot where a boardwalk would be located. The winter of 2021-22, very cold temps froze the moving water and allowed our use of the lower route below the beaver dam. The next winter, with ice storm damage December 2022, we didn’t even try opening or grooming that area. Currently, if grooming that trail, we will continue to use the bypass path that runs right next to the beaver dam. Ron Beebe suggested we erect a snow fence north of the beaver dam each winter, this would help minimize drifting that periodically blocks the trail next to the beaver dam – we’ll consider that option as the winter develops. We also will be able to use the plow on our Honda Pioneer to help deal with the drifts. Another thing to consider: with the development of the new trail that will connect Excelsior Road to the Lollipop Loop (from Y to Z), we may consider limiting the grooming of the far west loop on the West Side – and groom it only when snow conditions are ideal.
  • Brief discussion regarding beaver control and future modification/revision of the West Side trails. Some possibilities include: no further attempts at repairing areas flooded by beaver activity including the East-West crossover trail; instead of grooming the entire West Side, set aside the beaver flooded areas for a more wilderness experience for snowshoers and skiers; installation of pipe and cage leveler systems across beaver dams to allow our trails to coexist with the beavers. Tom P will discuss these options (and more) when communicating with the head of the Forestry Department. Emma Hansen (DNR Wildlife Biologist) gave Tom the name of an individual (County Conservationist Nick Stadnyk) that could help with professional installation of a beaver deceiver at intersection I on the West Side.
  • Beavers have increased their activity in the pond south of the ‘new’ West Side bridge located west of Letter I. This is where we installed a small beaver deceiver device November 2021 - it’s no longer functioning, it’s plugged, it’s pipe diameter probably was too small. We’ll continue monitoring this site this summer/fall, and consider adding a more sophisticated beaver deceiver shortly prior to winter setting in.
  • There is a plugged culvert on the West Side halfway between intersections K and L with shallow water over the trail. Scott Gudis will replace this culvert summer 2024 – we will pay for his work, and will pay for a new culvert if the Forestry Department can’t locate a suitable used culvert.
  • Mowing plans – no change. Rusk County usually mows the Westside in July, and portions of the Eastside that can withstand the weight of their mowing equipment. For the damp (soft) areas on the Eastside, we plan on again using volunteer labor operating the Honda Pioneer pulling our trail mower. Bjorn Hanson has volunteered to take over the mowing operations. Tom will work with Bjorn on a couple of example mowings, then turn it over to Bjorn. John W would like to see more frequent mowing to enhance summertime use. Tom will find a crew of about 6 volunteers to help Bjorn with the mowing. Tom will send out an appeal soon to recruit the mowing crew.
  • One board needs replacement on the north side of the bridge at A4. The mowing crew should make note of this.
  • We need to select a fall work day – our officers will do that later this summer.
  • The bridge between #25/#26 is located in a curve of the creek, and will always be susceptible to high water events. While exploring a new snowshoe trail with Dan B and John K, Tom discovered a very desirable new route from #26 to the top of the hill north of #25 that would allow a better creek crossing. A few years ago, Tom looked at this with forester Jeremy Koslowski – and Tom needs to remind the Forestry Department to investigate this further – including potential DNR permits etc.
  • One timber sale is active on the East Side, three on the West Side. Maps outlining these timber sales were shown to attendees; discussion followed.



  • Ron Beebe remains interested in handling most of the wintertime grooming. The winter of 2022-23 was Ed Gauthier’s second winter as Ron’s main helper. Ryan Vreeland has been helping for several years, and remains available quite often. Steve Hoffelt recently signed on by receiving a groomer’s contract and needs training. Ahmyn Masci may be available again in the future if his snow plowing obligations diminish. If any of our members know of someone interested in grooming our trails, please contact one of our officers.
  • Our goal remains quality grooming of the entire trail system with major emphasis on the Eastside core loop, and with the Westside as next in priority – this reflects feedback as part of a survey in April 2018.
  • The April 2018 survey showed that favorite trails are the Eastside Core Loop, the Westside, the Eastside trails on the far east (Otter Slide, & Far East), Roundabout, and Roller Coaster. And since its introduction a couple years ago, Excelsior Road (West Side) is a favorite.
  • We will consider a fall meeting between officers and groomers if it seems necessary.


Signage: Annual replacement of missing or faded trail intersection maps needs to be done late fall or early winter. Each fall, Tom Paulsen contacts the Rusk County Extension Office to arrange printing and laminating of current maps. If help is needed, Tom will seek volunteers for map replacement this fall.


Snowshoe trail:

  • Snowshoe trail: John Kann and Dan Bjugstad will continue to maintain and/or revise the snowshoe trail.
  • We’ll keep an open mind for future development of fat bike trails, but we all agree that this would take a tremendous amount of work. John K and Dan B are open to the idea of shared use of the snowshoe trails as fat bike trails, but they would need an amazing amount of help from fat bike enthusiasts to make this happen. The Forestry Department supports the concept of adding bike trails. We could also consider the future possibility of purchasing a ‘SnowDog’ groomer for a fat bike trail. Bottom line - dedicated bike trails on our trail system will only happen if a group of bike enthusiasts takes responsibility for developing and maintaining them.



  • The blue shipping container could benefit from rust removal and painting. Summer 2020, Tom got a bid from Dave Roth (professional painter) that was over $1000. We all agreed that’s too much money to spend on restoring this old container. Instead, we will patch and repair as needed, and consider replacing in the future with a like-new container.
  • Tom P and Bob W added two large vents to the blue shipping container in the spring of 2023. Similar vents could be added to the larger gray shipping container if it seems too damp this summer.


Warming house:

  • The northwest corner of the warming house has shingles that were damaged by a tree fall in the December 2022 ice storm. Tom has a professional roofer that plans on repairing the damage ‘soon’.
  • The women’s pit toilet was damaged by a tree fall in the December 2022 ice storm. The vent stack was dislodged, Tom repaired the damage. We need to watch for roof leaks.
  • The frame of the roof on the men’s pit toilet was damaged by a tree fall in the December 2022 ice storm. Tom has discussed repair with Jim Sirek (Rice Lake). Hopefully Jim can fix this.
  • Taking care of the pit toilets. This requires occasional sweeping of the floor and 'dusting' of the shelves; and adding some lye to the toilets. We need a volunteer to take charge to possibly include repair of the torn screens in the windows of the pit toilets.
  • We switched to River Country Coop as the propane provider a few years ago, they are delivering a good service. We fill the 2 tanks during the summer (July) when rates are the lowest. 


Annual Fall Work Day: to be selected later this summer.


Website: Tom will continue to manage the website for now.


Ski Clinic: we appreciate the occasional ski clinics conducted by Steve and Jyneen Thatcher in Decembers past. Hopefully they can continue offering these teaching sessions.


Insurance: no changes anticipated, no discussion of this item.



  • Geary Searfoss opened a discussion of ways to enhance our visibility to the general public in Rusk County. We can promote the Blue Hills Trail at gatherings with booths at the Saturday Farmer’s Market in Ladysmith, Mardi Gras, and Leaf It To Rusk. We have available brochures and a large banner – large maps would be helpful. The trick is to find volunteers to spend time at the booths. To recruit volunteers, Geary will create a message to be distributed via email.
  • Another idea we discussed that would help promote the wintertime use of the Blue Hills Trail: encourage more folks to drop their kids at Christie Mountain for downhill skiing & snowboarding, then visit the Blue Hills Trail for x-country skiing or snowshoeing until it’s time to pick up their kids. We know this is already happening. Tom will contact the owners of Christie Mountain to see if there’s a way to enhance this connection.
  • John Waldron suggested we tidy up the trailhead by removing outdated signage, and using signs that welcome the public. Geary Searfoss made a motion to install a kiosk that is more public friendly. This was seconded by Kevin Westlund and passed unanimously. John Waldron will design the kiosk.
  • Following rude behavior by visitors to the warming house spring of 2023, Tom purchased a trail camera that we could place inside the warming house if problems persist. The sheriff’s department is always willing to keep a close eye on the trailhead if and when we think it’s more important. In 2022, Sam also added quite a few solar powered motion activated LED lights between the warming house and the storage buildings.
  • Summer 2021 Tom P created brochures for BHTA. They’ve been distributed inside the warming house, and at the visitor center in Ladysmith. We could ask our membership to volunteer to distribute brochures at their favorite ski shops, etc. Tom will check on printing options (locally by the County Tourism office, or by Jump River Electric Coop; or perhaps UW Eau Claire printing services), and report back to the officers.
  • We discussed trying to get a better presence on the trail reports, and agreed its website is outdated. This coming winter, Tom P will remind our members to submit occasional reports. Our most reliable options for communicating our trail conditions are continued frequent updates on our website, frequent email messages on our subscription email list, and use of our Instagram and Facebook posts. 
  • In the past, John Kann wondered about any possible plans for assisting an individual skier that is injured and unable to return to the trailhead. In the past, our efforts at placing rescue containers on the ski trail wasn’t successful. After discussion, we decided the best approach is to caution skiers that cell service isn’t reliable, and to emphasize they are on their own and if skiing alone, should notify someone of their plans. Tom P will speak with the Bruce Rescue Squad to make sure we are providing the best phone number for potential emergency contact.


Committee Designations

To be carried over with additions as highlighted in bold


  • Banquet Committee - We Need A (chair and emcee)
  • Fun Day / Full Moon Ski Committee - open
  • Equipment Committee - Ron Jasperson, Bob Wieckowicz (chair)
  • Fundraising - Tom Paulsen, John Waldron
  • Grooming and Trail Maintenance Committee - Jerry Schneider, Steve Porn (chair)
  • Ski Clinic Committee - open
  • Snowshoe Trail - Dan Bjugstad, John Kann (chair)
  • Website - Tom Paulsen (chair)

Meeting Adjourned


Motion to adjourn by Tom Paulsen, second by Jan Paulsen. Adjourned 8:25 p.m.




Taken by Tom Paulsen, Secretary

 A Listing of Active Committees

  • Banquet Committee
  • Fun Day / Full Moon Ski Committee
  • Equipment Committee
  • Fundraising Committee
  • Grooming and Trail Maintenance Committee
  • Ski Clinic
  • Snowshoe Trail
  • Website Committee